More Employers Offer Tuition Reimbursement as Benefit

Source: PLANSPONSOR 20-Oct-2010 By Rebecca Moore Eighty-five percent of employers in a recent survey report that their organization offers tuition assistance to their employees, compared with 52 percent that said so in late 2007. However, according to the survey of tuition assistance plan practices by BLR, this increase in companies providing tuition was accompanied by … Continued

HHS Issues New Guidance On Kids’ Insurance Policies

By Mary Agnes Carey KHN Staff Writer OCT 13, 2010 Health insurers can’t have different rules for when individual policies are sold for children with medical problems than for healthy kids, the Department of Health and Human Services said today. Some insurers want to allow healthy children to enroll year-round but only have a limited … Continued

Employees Turn Their Focus to Benefits

As enrollment for 2011 calendar-year plans kicks into high gear, a series of studies suggest that employees are changing their attitudes — and their demands — about employee benefits. For 2010 coverages, many employees (45 percent) actively chose their benefits rather than simply defaulting to what they had in the previous year, according to new … Continued

Researchers See Real Worth in Wellness

Source: Crain’s Detroit Business [via AHIP Wellness SmartBrief] 10-Oct-2010 By Jay Greene Dee Edington is optimistic that companies are starting to understand the relationship between healthy employees and profitability. “I am positive about wellness. Companies have been adopting it more the past couple years, and it has grown exponentially,” said Edington, director of the University … Continued

Obesity Poses Massive Problem for Employers

A recent study examining the impact of an obese workforce on companies provides new reasons for employers to consider taking steps to keep their employees fit and healthy. A new Duke University analysis found that obesity costs U.S. employers a whopping $73.1 billion per year in health care costs and lost productivity, according to a … Continued


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