Don’t Let Spooky Pests Haunt Your Home This Fall | Megro Benefits

With Halloween and cooler weather right around the corner, sightings of creepy creatures indoors are sure to be on the rise as they search for cozy places to hole up for the winter. Rats, bats and spiders are the stuff nightmares are made of, and for good reason; these creepy critters are capable of spreading … Continued

Red Ribbon Week 2015! October 23-31 | PA Employee Benefits

Are you ready for Red Ribbon Week® (October 23-31)? The Red Ribbon Campaign® is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the Nation and a way for people and communities take a visible stand against drugs. This year’s theme, “Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free.™”, created by a middle school student in Ohio, is a … Continued

Affordable Care Act Information Returns | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

By Danielle Capilla, Chief Compliance Officer at United Benefit Advisors Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals are required to have health insurance while applicable large employers (ALEs) are required to offer health benefits to their full-time employees. In order for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to verify that (1) individuals have … Continued

Self-Funded Pharmacy Plans Becoming More Popular Among Large Employers | Conshohocken Benefit Broker

Posted by: Bill Olson As a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) triggering cost increases for fully insured employer-sponsored health insurance plans, more employers are moving to a self-funded model for pharmacy plans, particularly among large employers (1,000+ employees), according to data released from the 2014 United Benefit Advisors (UBA) Health … Continued


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