Employers Ask: What happens to benefits eligibility during an unpaid leave of absence? | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Question: If an employee of an applicable large employer takes an unpaid leave of absence (not Family and Medical Leave Act), what happens to their benefit eligibility during that time? Answer: The answer depends on whether the employer is using the measurement and lookback method of tracking employees or the monthly method. Measurement and lookback: … Continued

HRAs, HSAs, and Health FSAs – What’s the Difference? | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), health savings accounts (HSAs) and health care flexible spending accounts (HFSAs) are generally referred to as account-based plans. That is because each participant has their own account, at least for bookkeeping purposes. Under the tax rules, amounts may be contributed to these accounts (with certain restrictions) and used for health care … Continued

Top 10 Questions about the Minimum Value Penalty | Conshohocken Employee Benefits

An employer that offers minimum essential coverage to substantially all of its full-time employees may still owe penalties if the coverage it offers is inadequate because it is not “affordable” or it does not provide “minimum value.” It also may owe penalties on the employees it does not offer coverage to who receive a premium … Continued

IRS Updates FAQs Related to 6055/6056 Reporting | Conshohocken Benefit Broker

The long-standing IRS FAQs related to reporting under sections 6055 and 6056 on requirements provided by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) have been updated to reflect new information. Final instructions for both the 1094-B and 1095-B and the 1094-C and 1095-C were released in September 2015, as were the final forms for … Continued

How Do Your Copays and Deductibles Stack Up? Benchmark Your Employees’ Out-of-Pocket Costs | Conshohocken Employee Benefits

As many analysts projected, premiums continue to rise, forcing many employers to manage this expanding price tag by shifting costs to their employees. As UBA reported in its breaking news, this cost shifting took the form of higher deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, and copays for both singles and families. According to the 2015 UBA Health Plan … Continued

ACA Penalties and Taxes and Fees — Oh My! | Pennsylvania Benefit Broker

Employers breathed a sign of relief when the looming Cadillac tax was delayed. But are you subject to other fees and penalties under the ACA? The ACA has introduced a multitude of new fees that employers must pay, in addition to penalties for non-compliance with employer shared responsibility rules. These dollar amounts change annually, as … Continued

How to Benchmark Your Health Plan | Pennsylvania Benefit Broker

Are you benchmarking your health plan correctly? If you are using data from your carrier or a small study of only large employers, chances are you are not effectively analyzing your rates. To truly benchmark your plan, you need to compare your plan to others in your state, industry, and size category. That’s the best … Continued


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