In Focus: Digital Eye Strain and Vision Benefits | PA Employee Benefits

Eighty-one percent of employees have elected vision benefits in 2016, up from 78 percent last year, according to Transitions. This increase moved vision into a tie with dental as the second most popular benefit election behind medical. Digital eye strain, which is detailed by a report from The Vision Council, could be a contributing factor … Continued

DOL Issues 31st FAQ on ACA Implementation | PA Employee Benefits

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued its 31st FAQ on the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), dedicated to coverage of preventive services, rescissions of coverage, out-of-network emergency services, clinical trial coverage, cost-sharing limitations, the Mental Health Parity Act, and the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. Some highlights … Continued

Employers Ask: What Prevents Me from Reimbursing Individual Health Insurance Policies? | PA Employee Benefits

In serving 36,000 employers and 5 million employees, our UBA Partners get this question frequently: What federal guidance prohibits employers from reimbursing individual health insurance policies? Answer: The IRS has issued extensive guidance prohibiting employers from reimbursing health insurance policies on an individual basis. It issued two notices in 2015 that addressed this issue. In … Continued

ACA Regulations Roundup (and Free Resources) | PA Employee Benefits

The government was busy recently, issuing the massive Benefit Payment and Parameters rule in addition to numerous other updates. Our recent blog reviews the updates to the Benefit Payment and Parameters rule; for more detailed information as it relates to standardized plans, small employer definition, reinsurance fees, rating areas, guaranteed availability, exemptions, and more, download … Continued

Get the Facts on COBRA Coverage – Who, When and How Long? | PA Employee Benefits

As we mentioned in the first edition of this mini-series on the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), “marketplaces” or “exchanges” created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) did not make COBRA obsolete. Rather, COBRA is still going strong. And while the general rule of COBRA is not necessarily … Continued

Moving from Employee Wellness to Employee Well-Being | PA Employee Benefits

The terms “wellness” and “well-being” are often used interchangeably; however, they mean very different things when applied to workplace health promotion. Traditionally speaking, employee “wellness” programs have primarily focused on just physical health. Whereas employee “well-being” programs emphasize emotional, mental, social, and financial health in addition to physical health. With the addition of millennials in … Continued

What the DOL Wants During an Audit | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

No two Department of Labor (DOL) audits are the same, yet there are typical questions asked and documents requested. See our recent blog on the Seven Common Mistakes That Could Trigger a DOL Audit. If you are audited, it’s recommended that questions received be sorted and color-coded based on what the question references (for example, … Continued


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