Mandated Health Benefits – Oral Chemotherapy Medication | PA Benefit Advisors

On July 8, 2016, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe signed legislation (H.B. 60) regarding health insurance coverage for oral chemotherapy medications. Pursuant to the bill, whenever a health insurance policy provides coverage that includes coverage for intravenously administered or injected chemotherapy medications which have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for general use … Continued

Initial 2016 Health Plan Survey Results Are Out: PPO Deductibles Increase Fifty Percent, Employer Costs Remain Steady | PA Employee Benefits

The 2016 UBA Health Plan Survey contains the validated responses of 19,557 health plans and 11,524 employers, who cumulatively employ over two and a half million employees and insure more than five million total lives. Of the preliminary findings, we see that employees continue to take on more cost for coverage. The median in-network deductible … Continued

How to Make a Budget for a Family of 4 | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Sitting down and making a family budget may not be the most fun activity you ever do. However, the effort and thought you put into your budget can help relieve stress and enable you to manage your money more efficiently. Learning to budget for your family of four is the first step toward smart financial … Continued

Guidance for Employers on the Zika Virus | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Within the past few days, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed the transmission of the Zika virus by mosquitoes to individuals in Miami-Dade and Broward counties in Florida. Before this confirmation, the virus had been spread in the United States only through sexual transmission. The news of the spread of the virus by … Continued

Mail Order or Not? | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

In 1990, Health Affairs* reported “The escalating costs of prescription drugs and competition among pharmaceutical firms for customers are drawing the attention of policymakers, pharmacies, and individual and institutional purchasers. Mail-order pharmacies recently have grown in prominence as a competitive alternative to the local community pharmacy.” With the improvements in retail pharmacy pricing, that motivation … Continued

Web Therapy: The Doctor Will Skype You Now | Pennsylvania Employee Benefits

Overview When Madison Maroney (name changed for privacy) moved from Boston to Wisconsin, there was one thing the 40-year-old east-coaster couldn’t leave behind: Her weekly therapy sessions. So now, two years later, in her Midwestern home, she pops open her laptop every week, logs on, and via live-streaming video, talks through her highs and lows … Continued

OSHA Penalties Increasing by 78 Percent After August 1, 2016 | PA Employee Benefits

Section 701 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 contains the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Improvements Act of 2015, which requires the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and most other federal agencies to implement inflation-adjusted civil penalty increases. The Inflation Adjustment Act also allows OSHA a one time “catch-up adjustment” to adjust for inflation … Continued


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