Health Insurance Basics: Part 1 | Pennsylvania Benefits Agency

What is Health Insurance and Why is it Important? Health insurance is a legal entitlement to payment or reimbursement for your health care costs, generally under a contract with a health insurance company. Health insurance provides important financial protection in case you have an accident or sickness. For example, health insurance may help to pay … Continued

Year-Round Benefits Education | PA Benefits Team

For most organizations, employee benefits communication kicks into high gear during open enrollment season. During this time, there is a surge in emails, educational webinars, fliers throughout the office, and a barrage of forms demanding signatures. Post open enrollment, however, employees often receive minimal information about their benefits. While sporadic email updates or new laminated … Continued

Revealed – Survey Responses about Employee Wellness and Benefits | PA Employee Benefits Team

  The connection between employee wellness and the benefits of the job might seem obvious. But the conversation should be more nuanced than merely a discussion about health insurance, access to mental healthcare like employee assistance programs (EAPs), and well-being apps to reach zen. Indeed, Human Resources professionals must reconsider their definition of benefits. It must extend to all the pros … Continued

Top Benefit Trends for 2023 | PA Employee Benefits Agency

A hot labor market that has seen scores of employees leave their jobs for new and better opportunities has HR and benefits leaders planning to up the ante when it comes to benefits that sway workers to stay. But at the same time, employers also are aware of soaring costs and inflation concerns and are … Continued

Trending Employee Benefits That Strengthen Attraction And Retention Efforts | Pennsylvania Benefits Agency

In the wake of the Great Reshuffle—the mass movement of workers to jobs that prioritize their needs—and macro trends like the tight labor market, attraction and retention are top of mind for employers. In fact, according to Zywave’s 2022 Attraction and Retention Benchmarking Overview, over 75% of employers consider attraction and retention to be among … Continued

Employee Benefit Costs and Inflation | PA Benefits Group

Inflation is a silent budget killer- it causes everything to go up, from your groceries to your gas, as the purchasing power of money decreases.  Americans are feeling the pinch as the U.S. experiences the highest inflation level in 40 years. Inflation has been particularly frustrating for Americans who are struggling to pay for items … Continued


Fairmount Benefits Company

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Suite 110
Radnor, PA 19087

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