Flow Chart of Key Wellness Program Regulations
UBA has created a flow chart with decision trees to help employers ascertain which rules apply to their wellness program as a result of its design.
UBA has created a flow chart with decision trees to help employers ascertain which rules apply to their wellness program as a result of its design.
On December 1, 2016, the Department of Labor will implement changes raising the minimum compensation for exempt employees.
UBA’s Special Report, Trends in Prescription Drug Benefits, explores trends in prescription drug plan design among different group sizes, regions and industries.
There is a growing recognition of the need to insert non-tech wisdom, sound processes and actual live human beings into the private exchange concept.
It is important to ensure that the job description reflects the actual functions and outcomes needed and the conditions that impact those processes.
While most employers aren’t completely penalizing those who choose brand-name drugs, more and more plans are requiring employees to pay higher copays when they elect brand-name drugs.
Evaluating employee benefits options is tough work, but the right employee benefits advisor can make it seem simple.
With improvements in retail pharmacy pricing, mail-order pharmacies have diminished in prominence.
Employers are required to complete the IRS/SSA/CMS Data Match report within 30 days of receipt of the Data Match Personal Identification Number.
The Latest UBA Survey data shows employers are flocking to two strategies to control rising prescription drug costs.
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