Going Where Others Fear to Tread: When COBRA and the FMLA Cross Paths
The area covered in the following is that of the intersection of COBRA and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
The area covered in the following is that of the intersection of COBRA and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
An employer subject to the ACA and either the SCA or DBRA must comply with each law. Each of the laws is separate and independent.
The UBA Health Plan Survey reflects the experiences of 99 percent of U.S. businesses, not just the largest employers.
On October 31, 2016, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services issued final regulations regarding the definition of short-term, limited-duration insurance, standards for travel insurance and …
Employers who offer group health plans use opt-out payments to share the savings they receive when an employee chooses not to enroll in the benefits offered.
One thing rings true when it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA): “expect the unexpected.”
Consumer-directed health plans continue to increase in popularity even though they are offering less savings than a year ago.
Consumer-directed health plans grow in popularity even though they are offering less savings than a year ago, according to the 2016 UBA Health Plan Survey.
The employees of a business with common owners or that perform services for each other may need to be combined when determining if the employer is “large.”
Having a benefits communications strategy can ensure employees have the information they need to make their purchase decision, while relieving you of some of the HR burden.
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