Determining Minimum Value and Affordability

The IRS has released final regulations that address how wellness incentives or penalties, contributions to a health reimbursement arrangement, and employer contributions to a Section 125 plan are applied to determine affordability.

Decoding Dress Codes

Most places of business have some sort of dress code, but what if a large company doesn’t and then decides it wants to implement one? Such was the case with Wal-Mart and the backlash its new policy triggered.

2015 Cost-of-Living Adjustments

Many employee benefit limits are automatically adjusted each year for inflation (this is often referred to as an “indexed” limit). The Internal Revenue Service and the Social Security Administration have released a number of indexed figures for 2015.

Hand Washing Helps Defeat the Flu – Conshohocken Benefit Broker

H3N2 influenza viruses led to record numbers of deaths in the 2004, 2008, and 2013 flu seasons. Doctors are concerned because this type of virus appears to be dominating the 2015 flu season. Employers should stress optimal health and hand-washing behaviors in their workplaces to avoid the threat of flu and keep their workplaces healthy … Continued

Employer Webinar – Washington Outlook

The elections are over and the balance of power has shifted in Washington, D.C. Will there be significant changes, or will things just continue as usual? Significant parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA ) have been implemented…

Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Availability of Premium Tax Credits

Premium tax credits are only available to individuals who obtain health coverage through a Marketplace. A dispute has arisen as to whether the IRS has the ability to interpret PPACA to allow the subsidy to individuals who obtain coverage through any Ma…


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Radnor, PA 19087

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