When “Thank You” Isn’t Enough

We thank everyone — the pharmacist who fills our prescriptions, the postal carrier who delivers our mail and even the stranger who holds the door open for us at the grocery store, but we often ignore the people who work diligently for us and give thei…

IRS Releases Guidance on Retroactive Transit Benefit Increase for 2014 – Conshohocken Employee Benefits

Yesterday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2015-2 providing guidance on the retroactive transit benefit increase recently enacted by Congress. Employers that offered a commuter or transit benefit plan in 2014 must comply with the guidance if their 2014 plan had provided both pretax and aftertax benefits. No action is required, however, for employers … Continued

Top 2014 UBA Publications for Employers

UBA publishes many white papers, an executive summary of its annual Health Plan Survey, and other custom reports. Below are the publications that garnered the most interest and requests from employers in 2014.

Are You Benchmarking Your Health Plan Correctly?

Many employers benchmark their health plans against other employers with the same carrier or using nationally available data. But the benchmarking best practice is to compare your plan with others based on plan type, region, employee size, and industry.

UBA December Compliance Recap

During the month of December Congress passed a temporary increase to the transit pass and vanpooling benefit and the regulatory agencies released several cost-of-living increases, proposed relatively minor revisions to the Summary of Benefits and Cover…

Proposed 2016 Benefit and Payment Parameters

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued its proposed Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2016. While these amounts and dates are not yet final, they may be of help for planning purposes.


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