If it’s On-site, It’s Alright

During this period of health care reform, most employers are looking at ways to control health care costs while still maintaining a healthy workforce and providing excellent medical services to their employees. One of the ways to accomplish this goal is by having an on-site clinic or one that’s nearby.

Employer FAQs: Responding to the Anthem Breach

The first massive data breach of 2015 hit one of the country’s largest insurance issuers, Anthem, Inc., including Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and other related entities (Anthem).

2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines

The federal poverty level guidelines (FPL) are used for many purposes, including assessing eligibility for a premium tax credit for coverage purchased through the health Marketplace.

Consider a Wellness Coach

Biometric testing has become the latest rage in wellness programs. If you’re unfamiliar with this, biometric testing (sometimes called biometric screening) involves measuring employees’ blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, and similar measuremen…

Don’t Forget to Update Benefit Plan Documents – Conshohocken Benefit Broker

The new year came with notable compliance changes that may require updating group health plan materials. Employers should review these requirements and make the necessary changes to materials offered to participants at plan renewal. The Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Employer Shared Responsibility provision, also referred to as “Play or Pay,” took effect January 1, 2015. … Continued

Trust, but Verify

Employers receive plenty of resumes throughout the year and many seem too good to be true. Whether the candidate’s past employment, education, or references seem out of line, the worst an employer can do is neglect to follow-up and verify the accuracy.


Fairmount Benefits Company

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Suite 110
Radnor, PA 19087

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