Region Matters When It Comes to HSA Funding, CDHP Adoption

We’ve already discussed Health Savings Account (HSA) activity at length, looking first at the correlation between generous HSA contributions and increased enrollment in consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs). Second, we looked at how HSAs have performed in recent years across different industries. Now, we’ll look closer at HSA activity across different regions of the country, based on the results of the 2014 UBA Health Plan Survey.

Compliance Recap – April 2015

Regulatory agencies were quiet during the month of April. The most significant guidance came from a variety of federal agencies that issued various documents regarding wellness programs.

Industry Differences Among Health Savings Accounts

While recent survey data shows that, on average, employers are decreasing the amount they’re willing to contribute to employee Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), there are some industries that have not seen such trends.

HRAs, HSAs, and Health FSAs – What’s the Difference? | Conshohocken Employee Benefits

Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), health savings accounts (HSAs) and health care flexible spending accounts (HFSAs) are generally referred to as account-based plans. That is because each participant has their own account, at least for bookkeeping purposes. Under the tax rules, amounts may be contributed to these accounts (with certain restrictions) and used for health care … Continued

SCOTUS and the Future of U.S. Health Care

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” was signed into law with the intention of decreasing the number of uninsured Americans and reducing the overall costs of health care in the United States.

United Benefit Advisors Insight and Analysis Blog

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) specifically encourages and promotes the expansion of wellness programs in both the individual and group markets. In the individual market, the secretaries of the departments of Health and Human Se…


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