Omnibus Bill Signed Into Law; Delays Cadillac Tax

President Obama has signed the omnibus legislation that includes the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2016 and a tax extenders package. The agreement will keep the federal government running through September 2016. Within the legislation is language…

Small Businesses No Longer Going for the Gold in Medical Insurance

Small employers are feeling the squeeze from increasing costs of medical care and increasing premiums for the medical insurance they offer their employees. Recently released findings from the 2015 UBA Health Plan Survey show that 54 percent of small em…

Negotiating over COBRA Coverage — Use EXTREME CAUTION!

Have you ever overheard the new employee in the break room, bragging about how good their health insurance was with their previous employer, and how much less expensive it was than the coverage they are currently being offered? You may think ”If it was so good, then why give it up?” There are always a number of factors that can lead to someone making a job change, but what happens when COBRA becomes a part of the negotiating process when they are working out the terms of employment with the new company?

Cadillac Tax — Should employers be making changes now?

Looking at the projected cost increases based on its annual Health Plan Survey of over 18,000 health, plans offered by nearly 11,000 employers nationwide, UBA estimates that nearly three out of four U.S. Employers will be hit with the Cadillac tax by 2…

Template Letter to Employees about IRS Forms 1095-B and 1095-C

UBA has created a template letter that employers may use to draft written communication to employees regarding what to expect in relation to IRS Forms 1095-B and 1095-C, and what employees should do with a form or forms they receive. The template is me…

2016 Annual Limits Card Back by Popular Demand

UBA offers a quick reference chart showing the 2016 cost of living adjustments for health and Section 125 plans, qualified plans, Social Security/Medicare withholding, compensation amounts and more. This at-a-glance resource is a valuable desk tool for…

Can Employers Access Current or Prospective Employee Social Media Accounts?

We’ve become a very connected society, but that doesn’t mean we want to share everything with everybody. Take, for example, your social media site (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). Typically, you have a select network of individuals with whom you want to connect and share your life, thoughts, and opinions. But what happens when a current or prospective employer wants access to your social media account either as a “friend” or by demanding your login and password information?

Proposed Benefit Payment and Parameters Rule Released

Federal agencies have released the proposed rule for the 2017 Benefit Payment and Parameters. Among other items, it provides updates and annual provisions relating to risk adjustments, reinsurance, and risk corridors programs; cost-sharing parameters a…

When the C-Suite Gets Seriously Sick

Someone in the C-Suite of a company gets sick. I’m not talking about a cold or flu; I’m talking about a major, possibly even terminal, illness. Depending on the level of severity, what can the human resources department do to help communicate this information properly to the company’s employees?


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