4 Ways to Recession-Proof HR | FAIRMOUNT BENEFITS

By all accounts, the United States is likely heading into a recession. Already, the country experienced two consecutive quarters of declining gross domestic product (GDP), which is a red flag. Other signs include inflation, the cooling down of venture capitalist’s investment, a declining stock market, and varying interest rates. However, a strong job market persists, which … Continued

Best Practices for Employee Appreciation | Pennsylvania Benefits Group

As HR leaders work hard to retain talent during a historic labor shortage, they are trying to show employee appreciation. At the HR Exchange Network Employee Engagement and Experience online event, Mary Shelley, Chief People Officer at Tango Card, shared best practices for rewarding employees to inform them of their value to the organization. In the session, 5 … Continued

What Employees Want: Hybrid Work and Flexibility | PA Employee Benefits Group

2021 was quittin’ time in America.  Last year alone over 47.4 million Americans quit their jobs. This year, employees seemingly have the upper hand against employers.  The Turnover Tsunami, a.k.a. The Great Resignation, has forced a reckoning with the workplace and few employers have come away unscathed.  Organizations are now shifting priorities to make employee … Continued

Generational Myths Part 2: Millennials | PA Benefits Team

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an annoyance (“kids these days!”) and many rely … Continued

Generational Myths Part 1 – Generation Z | Fairmount Benefits

Today’s offices potentially span five full generations ranging from Generation Z to the Silent Generation. A coworker could just as easily be raised with a smart phone in hand as they could have used a typewriter at their first job. Some see differences between generational colleagues as an annoyance (“kids these days!”) and many rely … Continued

HR Trends to Watch in 2022 | PA Employee Benefits Agency

Human Resources leaders are always being asked to look into a crystal ball and predict the future. You probably don’t have any super powers. But your Spidey sense might be telling you that a few trends that are surfacing are likely to stick around through the new year, 2022. The coronavirus pandemic has changed your … Continued

The Great Resignation: Is It Real and What’s Next? | PA Benefits Firm

Following the pandemic, a remarkable number of workers have left their jobs. In April alone, nearly 4 million people handed in their resignations. It’s happening across industries and all levels of organizations around the world. The reasons why vary as much as people’s opinions about it. The worst of these opinions blaming Millennials and Gen Z for … Continued

How to Improve Your Job Postings| PA Benefits Partners

A job posting is often the first impression a prospective job applicant has with your organization. It’s important for that impression to be an informative one. Your job postings should convey why someone would want to work for your company, what distinguishes your workplace from others, what’s exciting about your mission and vision, what you … Continued

9 Books Every HR Pro Should Read in 2020 | PA Employee Benefits Group

Quarantine leaves us with a healthy chunk of time to reassess and spend time with the ones we love. But as quarantine goes on, the work must go on as well and for HR professionals, that means developing professionally as much as everyone else within the organization. With all this time on your hands, a … Continued


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