Difference Between Basic Insurance & Major Medical Insurance | PA Benefit Advisors

Choosing a health care plan often comes down to cost, but don’t forget to compare the monthly premium with the amount of coverage you get. Major medical insurance is designed to cover you during everything from routine check-ups to major catastrophic events. Basic health insurance, by contrast, is a cash reimbursement service that can help … Continued

How to Make the Most Out of Your FSA at Year-End | PA Benefit Advisors

As 2017 comes to a close, it’s time to act on the money sitting in your Flexible Spending/Savings Account (FSA). Unlike a Health Savings Account or HSA, pre-taxed funds contributed to an FSA are lost at the end of the year if an employee doesn’t use them, and an employer doesn’t adopt a carryover policy. … Continued


Fairmount Benefits Company

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Suite 110
Radnor, PA 19087

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