Well-Being Strategies for a Diverse Workforce, Building Value at an Individual Level | PA Benefit Advisors

Your organization has 312 employees, which means you have 312 different needs for well-being support. Well-being strategies should not be a one-size-fits-all approach. Developing a set of flexible and responsive well-being strategies that meet changing individual needs throughout an employee’s tenure is a critical way to both attract and retain talent. A few case studies … Continued

Flex Work: Advantages in the New Workforce | PA Benefit Advisors

Flex Work. No doubt you’ve heard this term (or some variation) floating around the last decade or so, but what exactly does it mean? Flexible work can vary by definition depending on who you ask, but one thing is for sure, it’s here to stay and changing the way we view the workforce. According to … Continued

Employee Benefit Trends of 2017 | PA Benefit Advisors

Customization of benefits is becoming more popular.  The process of personalizing employee benefits allows for individuals to choose from an array of options, and increases employee satisfaction.

TeleMedicine – The NextGen Benefit of Minor Healthcare | PA Benefit Advisors

It’s not surprising that 2017 stands to be the year many will have an experience to share using a Telemedicine or a Virtual Doctor service. With current market trends, government regulations, and changing economic demands, it’s fast becoming a more popular alternative to traditional healthcare visits.  And, as healthcare costs continue to rise and there … Continued

Strategic Benefits Communication: The Power of Knowing your Audience—Part Two of a Five-Part Series | PA Benefit Advisors

In my last post, I discussed using employee engagement as a measurement of benefits communication success. We know employees have concerns about their financial well-being, and look to their employers for education about new and existing benefit options. This, of course, can present challenges at open enrollment, as well as year-round communication efforts. Common challenges … Continued


Fairmount Benefits Company

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Suite 110
Radnor, PA 19087

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