October 2017 Executive Order on Healthcare | PA Benefit Advisors

On October 12, 2017, the White House released an Executive Order, signed by President Trump, titled “Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States.” It is important to note that the Executive Order (EO) does not implement any new laws or regulations, but instead directs various federal agencies to explore options relating to association … Continued

New Exemptions from ACA’s Contraceptive Coverage Mandate | PA Benefit Advisors

On October 6, 2017, the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor (DOL), and Treasury released new interim final rules to allow more employers to exclude contraceptive coverage from their group health plans. The new rules will be published in the Federal Register next Friday and take effect immediately. Read the Moral Exemptions and … Continued

IRS Releases Final 2017 ACA Reporting Forms and Instructions | PA Benefit Advisors

The IRS has finalized the forms and instructions that employers will use for 2017 reporting under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Applicable large employers (ALEs) will use the following: 2017 Form 1094-C (transmittal to IRS). 2017 Form 1095-C (statement to individual). 2017 Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C (instructions). Employers that self-fund a minimum essential … Continued

Employer Medicare Part D Notices Are Due Before October 15 | PA Benefit Advisors

Are you an employer that offers or provides group health coverage to your workers? Does your health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs—either as a medical claim or through a card system? If so, be sure to distribute your plan’s Medicare Part D notice before October 15. Purpose Medicare began offering “Part D” plans—optional prescription drug … Continued

Why Are Statistics Important in the Health Care Field? | PA Benefit Advisors

Quantitative research guides health care decision makers with statistics–numerical data collected from measurements or observation that describe the characteristics of specific population samples. Descriptive statistics summarize the utility, efficacy and costs of medical goods and services. Increasingly, health care organizations employ statistical analysis to measure their performance outcomes. Hospitals and other large provider service organizations … Continued

DOL Guidance for Benefit Plans Impacted by Hurricane Harvey | PA Benefit Advisors

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued compliance guidance for benefit plans, employers and employees, and service providers who are impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The guidance generally provides relief from various ERISA requirements and time limits for entities in the disaster area. This follows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announcement extending certain filing dates, including … Continued


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