Health Care Reform Update: IRS Proposes Regulations on Employer Penalty
Proposed regulations on employer shared responsibility penalty provision. Read more…
Proposed regulations on employer shared responsibility penalty provision. Read more…
Sponsors of single-employer defined benefit pension plans will need to amend those plans soon to comply with a critical requirement of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (the PPA)
If the answers those employees receive turn out to be incorrect, the responders may be accused of violating their fiduciary duties under ERISA, and the plans at issue may be required to pay unexpected benefits.
The Health Care Reform law requires plan sponsors to provide two new government-developed documents to plan participants.
Important: these highlights describe the rules based on the actual law and proposed regulations. Most likely, therefore, the rules will take effect largely as described here, but some of the details may change.
Industry groups are being proactive in preparing their membership for the Supreme Court’s ruling on health care reform
As the decision nears, focus is turning once again to the important issue of severability
What can HR leaders expect 2011 to bring in terms of new trends and developments?
The IRS has issued Notice 2010-90…
…managing the changes resulting from health care reform is a critical business issue…
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