Small Group (50 or Fewer Employees) Insured Plans and PPACA
Here is a summary of the PPACA provisions that apply to group health plans and whether the provision applies to insured small group plans provided inside and outside the SHOP exchange.
Here is a summary of the PPACA provisions that apply to group health plans and whether the provision applies to insured small group plans provided inside and outside the SHOP exchange.
When speaking of self-funded plans, large employers come to mind; however with PPACA compliance, many small employers are weighing their options to become self-funded. Here’s why…
PPACA brings numerous responsibilities and options to employers. Here is a summary of the PPACA provisions that apply to group health plans and whether the provision applies to insured large group plans.
Very small employers with a high percentage of employees who earn low wages are eligible for a tax credit for employer contributions made to purchase health insurance. Read full article…
Thinking about participating in the SHOP? Plans in the SHOP exchange will be required to provide the 10 essential health benefits. Read full article…
On Sept. 11, 2013, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued an FAQ that stated that no penalties will apply to employers that fail to provide the exchange/marketplace notice. Despite this FAQ, employers may still want to provide the notice, to provide information to employees and to reduce the risk of unanticipated liability.
Never before has it been more important to pay attention as you choose a health plan for you and your family. Here are 5 tips for open enrollment this fall.
The Internal Revenue Service is still trying to figure out how to combine two new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act reporting programs. Read more…
Although it is still advised by the DOL that employers notify employees by October 1, there is no fine to face if they do not. Read full article…
In order to avoid some very long nights in the coming weeks, here are nine items you need to check off your 2014 checklist to stay out of the PPACA’s woodshed.
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